This Quote has expired.



214 Zenobia St
Denver, CO 80219

[email protected]

Quote Number QUOTE-727
Quote Date August 15, 2019
Valid Until September 14, 2019
Total $5,828.30
Guaranteed Rate

(773) 290-0571

Event Details

Location: 1050 Sherman Street

Date: 8/27/2019

Time: 6 pm to 8 pm

Setup 7 pm

Event 1 August 27th

Event 2 August 28th



Client notes

Hello! I work with Guaranteed Rate and will be sponsoring a wine table for two events. The first is on August 27th from 6-8pm at Belmont Buckingham at 1050 Sherman Street for about 50-75 guests. The second is on August 28th at Nuvo 1211 Vine Street from 6-8pm and are anticipating from 100-150 guests. I was wondering what your availability and pricing are? Also, are we able to provide our own wine and you provide the bartender or do we have to get the alcohol through you as well? Email is typically the best way to reach me. Thank you for your time and help!

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
75 August 27th Wine Bar

Includes 3 5oz Wine pours per person

150 August 28th Wine Bar

Includes 3 5oz Wine pours per person

3 Bartender 4 Hours
2 Basic (two tables and linen) $70.00$140.00
Sub Total $5,141.00
Tax $403.80
Admin Service Fee $283.50
Total $5,828.30

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